Atlassian Consolidations: Building a gold standard system that scales for your Enterprise Platforms

Application proliferation is a big “no-no” and can easily and quickly get out of hand as organizations continue to mature.

Maybe your company has recently acquired another, maybe certain departments within the business insist on using their own instance of the Jira, or there’s a need to move to a corporate wide Jira instance. Whatever the case is, we want you to know that you are not too far gone! Order can be restored and consistency can be claimed. We have talked migration (moving data from one tool to another), integration (creating a linkage between one or more tools), and now we are on to consolidation (taking multiple instances and joining them together). This is another, very common way to manage and tame the chaos across IT platforms for improved productivity, cost savings and overall reduction of headaches.

Consolidations can take on a few different shapes. Generally, we deal with instance Consolidation – merging of two instances of the same system into a single instance. Better, cleaner data will enable programs to make better decisions. Continuity of tools will make team day to day operations easier. Management can roll up reporting more effectively, thereby enabling better planning which will yield better business results. Win, win, win.


Here are a few more “wins”

  • Cut your licensing costs and simplify your application portfolio
    Less demand on admins who need to provide application support
  • More accessible and higher quality dataCut context sw
  • itching for a more productive workforce
  • Depending on what your instances look like, this can be a relatively painless task. However, we have found that most of the time it is not.
  • Complexities pile up when customizations are made because there are many factors to take into consideration including but not limited to users, custom fields, and workflow. Schemes must match and some configuration will have to be made before completing the project import.

Your consolidation plan can be made easier. At the highest level, you can expect to follow these general steps.

  • Start performing these activites on a test instance
  • Upgrade Jira A to Z.y version
  • Do XML backup for upgraded Jira A
  • Import XML into existing Jira B instance.


Here are some additional resources to help you better understand what a consolidation effort will look like:

Merging Jira instances

How to merge Jira instances

How to merge two different Jira cloud applications together

And as always, Cprime is the leading Atlassian Platinum Expert and our team of certified experts is more than happy to assist you in achieving your goals with Atlassian software.

Maxwell Traers
Maxwell Traers
Technical Content Contributor, Cprime