






The Product Manager's Guide to Remote Delivery

Stay flexible in a rapidly changing environment. Solutions for virtual delivery to keep up with the pace of changing market demands.

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Not So Typical Checklist for the Virtual Product Owner

List of critical decision points, action items and adjustments that every Product Owner must be aware of in a geographically distributed and remote working environment.

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Product Story Authoring Tips and Tricks

Need some inspiration and guidelines to help you towards more successful product story writing? That may be increasingly difficult in a remote team and virtual environment but we have put together our top 10 Product Story Authoring Tips and Tricks.

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A Day in the Life of a Product Manager

The days are filled with context switching from strategic to tactical and right brained to left brained. Get ready for the mental exercise of a “day in the life” of a Product Manager.

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The Opportunity in Disruption

Agile, by definition, is the ability to move quickly and easily, even in times of major disruption. Leverage the Agile mindset to ease the angst of the chaos your workforce may be experiencing. Download the infographic to learn to seize the the opportunity!

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A “Day in the Life” of a Product Owner

The team-level Product Owner arguably has the most difficult job on the product team. And even more so in geographically distributed team. As a virtual Product Owner, here is what can be expected on a typical day.

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