






Cprime Private Training

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Outcomes (OKR) Workshop for Executives

Outcomes (OKR) Workshop for Executives

Clearly and concisely representing powerful outcomes with smart, adaptable measures will unleash your team of teams or portfolio to achieve meaningful results. So many of our organizations employ complex and at times conflicting outcomes and associated measurement systems. This causes organizational confusion and dilutes the organization away from achieving true purposeful, strategic outcomes. In addition, corporations typically measure outcomes using fixed targets over long time periods that prevent correctly responding to uncertainty. In this 1/2 day workshop, one of our senior coaches leads your team through an interactive approach to defining purpose-driven outcomes and putting in place smart measurements that can be adjusted over time to reflect the realities of an uncertain business environment. The workshop content is customizable to allow focus on topics most relevant to your context.

Workshop Outcomes

  • Gain team alignment on the use of OKRs for getting the right things done
  • Begin developing skills in defining OKRs
  • Reduce wasted energy by using OKRs to drive alignment between teams
  • Take action by drafting a plan to track progress towards outcomes
  • Draft plan for communicating outcomes to a broader audience

Intended Audience

This content is intended for a leadership team responsible for delivering outcomes across various corporate interests. Attendees should span across relevant departments and/or functions involved in a portfolio or team of teams context.


Participants have and can enunciate a shared clear mission or vision of where they wish to take their organization.

Sample Agenda

Using OKRs to Drive Better Business Outcomes

Understanding the use, mis-use and abuse of outcomes

Why do you want to do this?
OKRs from 30,000 feet

What are OKRs

FACTs – The Benefits of OKRs
What OKRs are NOT
OKR Writing
Using OKRs to Get the Right Things Done

Driving Alignment with OKRs

The OKR Cycle
Grading Results
The OKR game plan
Recommended Reading