






Can you deliver as fast as your business needs?

Leverage Technical Coaching to remove the conflict between the quality and speed of your delivery

Technical coaching

You turned to Agile to be able to build the product your customer actually needs. But are you equipped to deliver this value on time for the market?

How do you reveal the bottlenecks in your delivery lifecycle? How do you manage change? How fast can you pivot based on the market feedback? How long does it take you to test before release?


Technical Coaching helps you deal with all of these issues, so you can:

Enable Engineers to deliver change in a secure, usable, and scalable manner

Help your Engineers shift from unsuitable coding practices and legacy technologies. Increase adoption of the newly implemented tooling to ensure ROI.

Embrace DevOps culture to build, test, and deliver as fast as you plan

Install modern DevOps practices and get enabled on the toolchain to remove blockers in your CI/CD. Get what you’ve built out to the market faster learning from every iteration.

Get your Engineering and Product team speaking the same language

Rely on technical coaches to organize your Engineering and Product teams around a shared vision. Build the environment of trust and the culture of Built-In Quality.

When do you need a Technical Coach?

Digital customers expect software to continuously become more useful, usable, and dependable. Your team needs to continuously learn what it means to meet those expectations. Here’re a few examples of how a Technical Coach can make a drastic difference for your organization’s learning progress.

Harness Technology to Drive Transformation

Transformation on an enterprise level, like moving to Agile or becoming more customer-centric, for instance, requires a combined team effort and a solid technology strategy. Technical Coaches help to promote target change in culture translating it to the technical level: coding practices, tools, QA standards, integration and automation approaches, etc. They advise you on how to shape and evolve your technology strategy so that your IT ecosystem can create, strengthen, and enhance your competitive advantages.

Support Product Discovery

Product discovery is only as good if you can test your assumptions with the market quickly. If you stall the delivery, all the investments put into research may go to waste as well as your unique benefits. Technical coaches enable your engineers to remove bottlenecks in the delivery pipeline and release more often for frequent market feedback.

Increase Technology Adoption

Taking a class on DevOps automation or Scrum may still leave you unsure about how to apply the new knowledge in your environment. Technical coaches work side-by-side to provide hands-on practice and a drive paradigm shift. They help you ensure the resources spent on learning and training generate sufficient ROI.

Maintain Quality Releasing More

Does releasing new features make you and your users nervous? How complicated and long is your testing cycle? Technical coaches help you launch the built-in quality culture across teams, so you build the right thing in the right way. They enable your teams on DevOps and QA automation, toolchain orchestration, CI/CD, security, scalability, and more.

Reduce Technical Debt to Boost Innovation

Technical debt blocks enterprise’s ability to innovate and implement change. It also requires hiring more people every year to support the system. Technical coaches enable your team to find the balance and ensure your tech debt does not turn into innovation debt. They help you see the bigger picture and evaluate the impact of the debt on your Enterprise Agility, so you can decide what areas of your IT landscape need immediate focus to generate the most value.

Let’s transform how your Engineering teams work