





Learning Services

Product Management Learning Pathway

Master the Art of Product Management for Sustainable Business Growth


Does this sound familiar?

  • Product development is slow and disjointed
  • Lack of strategic direction is leading to missed opportunities
  • Unable to define and track KPIs
  • Wasting time and resources developing features or products that aren’t meeting customer needs

You’re not alone. Many growing organizations recognize that a well-defined product practice is necessary to address these challenges.

Whether you’re re-skilling existing team members to launch your new product practice, expanding and up-leveling your current practice, or going through an enterprise transformation, the Product Management pathway will help your teams master a product-led approach.

Benefits of the Product Management Learning Pathway

Be reinforcing a product-led approach with the Product Management Learning Pathway, your teams will experience measurable improvement in:


Shortened time to alignment between Product and Tech

graph with upward growth


Reduced analysis time


Accelerated planning processes

Consistently Deliver Products and Features that Provide Sustainable Business Growth

The Product Management Learning Pathway is split into three stages:

Within each level, the learner is taken through three phases of learning:

Discover: A suite of learner-led, self-paced digital content encompassing articles, videos, and self-paced eLearning modules to discover the essentials of the skillset.

Practice: Instructor-led, classroom-based courses delivered face-to-face or live online. Classes are highly collaborative creating an optimized space for practicing new skills.

Apply: Work-based assignments reinforcing the application of new skills in the workplace.

Bonus – Toolkit: Additional recommended resources for each phase.

Progressing through these stages, learner will develop the skills to create, launch, and manage products that meet customer needs including:

  • Develop an effective product strategy and roadmap.
  • Identify and solve customers’ problems and needs.
  • Define, track and report on the most valuable KPIs for measuring success.

Client Success

See how we’ve helped others redefine how work gets done with custom Learning Pathways.

Customer Success Story

Cprime Creates Custom Training Pathways for a Multinational Consumer Electronics Icon

Looking to improve its internal mechanism for upskilling its workforce in the face of a global technology talent shortage, this international tech leader turned to Cprime to help it extend its training curriculum. Cprime received positive feedback from the students and impressed the company leadership with their results.

Ready to Unlock Your Product Potential?