High performance organizations compete and thrive by responding to market changes and emerging opportunities with…
Tired of Talking About Agile? Being Agile is Easier Done than Said!
Question: How often do you use or hear the words Agile or Scrum on a daily basis?
Before “Agile” and “Scrum” did you did you ever hear:
- Project Management says…
- Waterfall says…
- That’s not Project Management!
- That’s not Waterfall
People didn’t feel the need to refer to project management separately or as if it was something other than what they were doing, which was performing work.
Do you now hear:
- That’s not Agile!/That’s not Scrum!
- We’re / You’re Doing it Wrong!
- We’re / You’re Not Doing it Right!
- In the real world ….
If you answered “yes” to hearing those phrases, watch this webinar to learn helpful phrases that will enable you to steer clear of these talking Agile traps.
We Cover:
- Getting past the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ conversations about what is or is not Agile
- Focusing on the problem (opportunity) you are trying to solve
- Are you solving the necessary problems to provide a valued product?
Presenter: Christian Antoine
Watch the Webinar on Demand
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