Why PDUs and SEUs Are Important for Agile Development

The Agile project management industry is constantly changing to improve methods and best practices. By making a concerted effort to acquire Professional Development Units (PDUs) and Scrum Education Units (SEUs), you give yourself the opportunity to stay on top of these changes and be aware of trends that may otherwise pass you by when your engrained in your work.

There is great benefit to seeking out formal education from outside your normal sphere and taking advantage of what others can teach you. Even when the topic is about subjects you work in everyday.

What are PDUs and SEUs?

PDUs and SEUs are credits awarded by the Project Management Institute and the Scrum Alliance. They recognize your dedication to the Agile professional by awarding credits for educational efforts you make throughout your Agile career.

PDUs and SEUs guarantee that you are keeping up with ongoing education in the field to grow and stay relevant, and aren’t simply relying on your own experiences. These credits are especially important if you want to obtain or maintain official certification as an Agile professional.

Each unit is roughly equivalent to one hour of time spent in an educational activity. For example, a one-hour webinar would net you 1 PDU while a full day workshop could earn you 8 PDUs.

Why do they matter?

When you take a course or accomplish some other activity that results in an official PDU or SEU, you’re verifying that you’ve set time aside in your schedule to improve your knowledge of Agile principles and practices, and that you’ve sought out qualified sources for this information.

Only Registered Education Providers (REPs) can provide educational classes, seminars, webinars, or other functions that will qualify for PDUs or SEUs. To obtain this designation, educators need to pass a rigorous training and certification process to ensure they are not only teaching accurately, but that they are doing so in a manner that is conducive to students benefiting fully from the program.

How to Earn PDUs and SEUs

As one of the leading Agile training organization, cPrime offers dozens of courses and classes that qualify for earned education units. We are an REP for both the Project Management Institute and the Scrum Alliance and our trainers are well qualified to help you stay up to speed on all the latest and greatest in Agile trends and best practices.

You can certainly pick and choose individual classes that meet your needs, or sign up for our new annual Learning Center subscription for full access to all online training at one low price.

Regardless of where you receive your training, be sure to take full advantage of every opportunity to earn official PDUs and SEUs as you continue to grow as an Agile professional.