Why the C-suite Needs to Consider Agile Transformation Training

In most organizations today, just keeping up with the competition and keeping the figurative lights on is an impressive feat. Markets move incredibly fast and change is always accelerating. So, taking on large, disruptive internal change initiatives can be difficult, even daunting.

But, those large-scale changes are often exactly what enterprises need to successfully keep up with this environment. Failing to invest in making the company stronger, faster, and more nimble, many CEOs have overseen the slow but steady decline of once proud industry leaders.

That’s not what you’re going to do.

So, you’ve recognized the need for your organization to undergo a digital or scaled Agile transformation. Maybe this has been an ongoing effort that’s not moving forward at the speed you’d like. Or, it’s an initiative you’re planning now and you’re trying to chart the fastest, most efficient course.

In either case, there’s an element that can sometimes be overlooked or underappreciated, but that is truly vital to a successful transformation: training.

What is Agile transformation training?

Put simply, Agile transformation training involves any educational effort that supports accomplishing the business goals behind the transformation your company is undertaking.

These goals and objectives will be different for every organization, so there is no one-size-fits-all list of necessary courses and certifications; nor is there a standard combination of format, curriculum, and teaching approach that’s set in stone. Rather, to be successful, every aspect of the training program must be optimized to best meet your unique needs.

Learn how Agile transformation training helped a leading global insurance company successfully navigate a large-scale transformation.

What problems can Agile transformation training help you solve?

Templates_Medium_black_coralWhile this certainly isn’t an exhaustive list of challenges you may be experiencing, our transformation experts have noted the following most common complaints:

Overall lack of direction and inefficiency

While the strategy for the transformation may be a good one, it was probably set at the executive level, perhaps with the help of outside consultants, and set in motion from the top down. The problem comes in when that strategy—the “why”—and the transformation roadmap—the “how”—are not effectively communicated to all the individuals involved at every level.

Customized training based on your company’s unique strategy and roadmap can provide all team members with a shared understanding of why the change is occurring, how it’s going to be carried out, and what role they individually play in making it a success. This improves everyone’s engagement in the initiative, reduces frustration and pushback, and increases productivity and efficiency throughout the process.

For all but the smallest organizations, team-based training is generally less expensive and faster than comparable coaching efforts to accomplish these purposes.

Trouble keeping up with the evolution of the teams themselves

A large-scale digital or Agile transformation brings along with it a significant number of changes to the teams themselves. Roles and responsibilities will evolve or disappear even as others remain unchanged and new ones must be created.

The upheaval creates logistical challenges for HR where they’re already facing a global tech talent shortage and the difficulties that go along with that. And, change creates a lot of uncertainty among team members. Confusion and apprehension slow things down and progress can be stalled.

General training around the transformation strategy and roadmap can help spotlight gaps that need to be filled and areas where existing roles will need to be adjusted. Role-specific training can then zero in on tactical efforts to support the necessary changes, whether that involves upskilling existing team members or improving the HR team’s ability to effectively fill needed roles from outside the organization.

Ineffective tooling selection and usage

On a strictly tactical level, the selection and optimal use of tooling solutions can have a tremendous impact on the ease and effectiveness of a digital transformation. All too often, decision-makers at the strategic level aren’t familiar enough with the tools the work teams are—or should be—using to accomplish their tasks. As a result, vital collaboration and data sharing can suffer, productivity can suffer, and time and money can be wasted getting everyone on the same page.

Effective training around tooling solutions can ensure everyone has the information they need to make the best decisions about what tools to use and how to best integrate tech stacks to ensure optimal collaboration. Role- and tool-specific training can then support each team member’s unique contribution to the successful transformation and ongoing success once the transformation is completed.

Leading a transformation

The final challenge executives need to consider involves leadership itself. Leading an Agile transformation is not a simple, intuitive undertaking. To be effective, the transformation must impact stakeholders at every level of the organization, including an entire hierarchy of individuals in leadership roles.

Leaders at every level of the organization must change their expectations and behaviors to ensure they can successfully meet the rest of the above challenges. Training for executives and other leaders is a necessary enabler for any transformation.

Explore how Agile transformation, digital transformation, and AI transformation go hand-in-hand today.

Can Agile transformation training solve these challenges for you?

If any of the above sounds familiar to you, there’s a very good chance Agile transformation training can help your organization achieve a successful transformation sooner than you otherwise could, and more cost-effectively.

Cprime trainers have helped more than 350,000 Agile team members and leaders gain the skills and insight they needed to successfully guide and support hundreds of digital transformations of every shape and size. Contact one of our training experts today to discuss which premade courses, certification programs, or customized training experiences will work best for your unique situation.

Begin Your Agile Transformation Training Today

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Chris Knotts, Innovation Product Director
Chris Knotts, Innovation Product Director